Item# ZA2746



NSN: 8415-01-547-2987 (S -Short)
NSN: 8415-01-547-2998 (S - Regular)
NSN: 8415-01-547-3000 (S - Long)
NSN: 8415-01-547-3008 (M - Short)
NSN: 8415-01-547-3010 (M - Regular)
NSN: 8415-01-547-3015 (M - Long)
NSN: 8415-01-547-3021 (L - Short)
NSN: 8415-01-547-3026 (L - Regular)
NSN: 8415-01-547-3032 (L - Long)
NSN: 8415-01-547-3082 (XL - Short)
NSN: 8415-01-547-3084 (XL - Regular)
NSN: 8415-01-547-3088 (XL - Long)

The Propper Air Force (ABU) APECS Gore-Tex Trouser offers superior waterproof durability without sacrificing comfort or breathability. Provides cold, wet and dry weather protection against wind and sand.

  • Gore-Tex waterproof material
  • Waterproof even after laundering and exposure to DEET and POLs
  • APECS features a softer, more pliable material for greater freedom of movement and quieter fabric
  • Contains NIR technology to reduce detection by NVGs
  • Fully SPEC and Berry compliant
  • Made in the USA

    SIZES: S-XL (Short, Regular or Long)           2XL (Regular)

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